
Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales


G. A. Oanta (ed.), "Law of the Sea and Vulnerable Persons and Groups"

The evolution of the law of the sea has exposed the vulnerable situation of certain persons and groups. This book seeks to address this evolution and the issues currently affecting vulnerable persons and groups in maritime environments, examining these situations from a legal perspective. To this end, it explores topics such as: human rights from a law of the sea perspective; failed states and the legal order for the seas and oceans; the case of child victims of human trafficking and forced labour; the specific situation of retired fishermen; the presence of women in the maritime sector and, in particular, in fishing; the situation of people who work in unscrupulous environments with regard to social rights, as is often the case with vessels flying flags of convenience or that do not comply with international standards; the migrant crisis at sea; vulnerable persons and groups from developing countries and small island and archipelagic states who face unique and specific challenges that the evolution of the law of the sea has only underscored, such as global warming, rising sea levels, or access to and sharing of the benefits arising from the use of marine genetic resources; and the status of non-self-governing territories under contemporary law of the sea.


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Miembros de la AEPDIRI: Gabriela A. Oanta (ed.)

Editorial: Editoriale Scientifica (Nápoles)

Año de publicación: 2019

ISBN:  978-88-9391-677-6


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